Spread The Gospel
God wants to transform your life and future through truth.
A relationship with Christ offers the deep peace and comfort needed to overcome the heartaches of life. When the world’s struggles come to steal, kill, and destroy, you have an option! The tugging in your heart for more is God! He is asking you to surrender so he can flood your life with victory and freedom. Through the Cross, Jesus empowered us to overcome our past and live out a future full of hope. LCI is committed to spreading this message to the ends of the earth and every heart that needs redemption. LCI evangelism outreach propels all of our ministries as it is our mandate from The Lord.
The Bible teaches that the pursuit of righteousness fills the empty void in our souls and enables us to experience the life God designed! No past or circumstance can keep us from this truth. God offers us freedom from the bondage of sin. LCI spreads this powerful message and encourages others to serve Christ with their whole heart. By standing firm on the uncompromised truth of the Gospel, LCI spiritually equips others to live a life of eternal victory! As such, we fulfill the mandate in Matthew 24:14 that says, “And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come.”

Tamara and Rodney Laroux desire to carry out the will of God by sharing the good news of Jesus Christ! LCI and the Larouxs “go into all the world and preach the Gospel” at churches, venues, and events of all sizes to build the kingdom of God. By teaching scriptures, LCI transforms lives for Christ.

LCI’s Tamara and Rodney Laroux have shared the love of God with crowds of 100,000 or more, proclaiming Jesus Christ is the son of God and the only way to the Father. In addition, through partnerships, LCI has helped hold large crusades in over 40 countries with attendance from 5000 to 100,000+ people in attendance. By holding crusades, LCI fulfills the great commission to preach the Gospel to every tribe and nation.

LCI partnerships have allowed co-founder Tamara Laroux to take her testimony to the ends of the earth! She has shared her story and the bold truth of the Gospel on over 30+ radio stations and TV outlets broadcasted in over 130 countries and a viewing audience of more than 200 million people.

Missionary Support
LCI supports short-term missionaries across the globe, whether they are going into a refugee camp, war zone, region in crisis, or simply taking the gospel to the ends of the earth. Supporting missionaries allows LCI to fulfill Psalm 16:15, which tells us to “Declare His glory among the nations!”